Easy Easter-Fun Craft Projects

by Ciara Rios

Easter is around the corner...

And for many of us, not only means some egg hunting in our backyards, but also some extra free time with the kids. Flowers blooming, pastel color palettes, baskets, cute chick and bunnies are always a most when crafting during this season, however the use of wood is not only trendy but also easy to manage and paint.

Here we show you some cute, Easy Easter-Fun ideas for your home, office or school to craft in a few minutes and budget friendly.  

Handle Welcome Bunny Banner

Have you ever wonder why are so many shapes of wood plaques if people usually just label them with just one word? Bathroom, Home, Kitchen... They are the most common we usually see. Have you considered to use more than one plaque together?

Yes, it's possible. Here is a tutorial with 3 wood plaques and how you can make a new welcoming bunny entrance for your home. Here is what you need:

Mini Wood Pot Bunny for Desk

Are you those who decorate your office desk with every season of the year. Well, here is an Easter tidy detail for bunny lovers. You can surprise everyone in the office with these materials:


Chocolate Metal Bucket

The best part of egg hunting is indeed, the chocolate! Nobody knows exactly when the Easter Bunny started hiding egg shaped chocolate candys everywhere, but for sure, these lovely treats will no longer be boring with these metal bucket craft project. 

Here is what you need:

Which one was your favorite tutorial? Remember that you can get all these great materials in our online store. Just click over the product you need and it will direct you to that product.

Have a Crafty Happy Easter!


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